about buddhanet: its origins and aims, and support form. | |
guest book: you are welcome to give us some feedback. | |
e-mail webmaster: Ven. Pannyavaro. |
DIRECT LINK »» Buddhist Australia Directory: Index of Organisations / Meditation & Teachings / Web sites, E-mails.
Index of Australian Buddhist Organisations - contact Information for all States and Territories. | |
New South Wales Victoria Queensland Western Australia South Aiustralia Canberra, ACT Tasmania Northern Territories |
National Index of Meditation & Teachings - details of regular activities, in all traditions. | |
Send Your Information - via the information form. | |
Statistics on Australian Buddhist Organisations - Based on BuddhaNet's Buddhist Australia Directory. | |
Send for the Book of this directory - 2nd edition of 'BuddhaNet Buddhist Australia Directory', by donation only. |