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DIRECT LINK »» Buddhist Books Online: are books which can be purchased on the Internet.

Free Buddhist Books

Inward Path Books comes to you as a Free Dharma Book. These books are designed and published by Inward Path Publisher in Malaysia, who aim at disseminating the noble teachings of Wisdom and Compassion of the Buddha to a wide segment of readers through the printing of high quality Dharma books and booklets.
Free Books are available from Inward Path Books, although you will need to reimburse the cost of the postage (seamail) USD3.00.

Web Links to Free Buddhist Books:

• Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammanada's Books:

This website contains details of Bhante Dhammananda's work and importantly hosts about 40 Buddhist booklets authored by Bhante and translated into 15 different languages: English, Mandarin, Tamil, Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Indonesia, Telegu, Kishwahili (African), Spanish, Korean, Sinhalese, Nepalese, Swedish, Dutch, Burmese & Vietnamese. All these can be downloaded from this website in "Publications - Books for free distribution" section.

Singapore Buddhist Meditation Centre:

A large collection of Free Books in the Theravada traditon, both in English and Chinese. Contact:
Venerable W. Sarada Maha Thero. No. 1, Jalan Mas Puteh, Singapore128. Email:

Web Links to Major Buddhist Publishers:

Snow Lion Publications Wisdom Publications Shambala's Publications Windhorse Books.

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