Buddhism in Eyes of Intellectuals

About this Publication

Buddhism is a great religion which enlightened humanity twenty-five centuries ago and released from all bondages, superstitious practices.  It is a scientific religion.  Gotama the Buddha is honoured today by every cultured and intellectual man irrespective of whatever religion he may profess, while the founders of most of the other religions are honoured only by their followers.  Not only those who belong to some religions but also so-called free thinkers respect this world honoured Supreme Enlightened One.  From the historical point of view there never lived any other Teacher who has ever given so much religious freedom as well as due credit to humanity.  Before the advent of the Buddha, religion had been owned and monopolised only by a certain section of the society.  The Buddha was the Teacher in history who indiscriminately opened the gate of religion to each and every man in society.

The Buddha has advised his followers to cultivate and develop the latent power of man and showed him how to make the best use of his willpower and intelligence without being a slave to an unknown being to find eternal happiness which He proclaimed to the world through His own experience but not through theories, mere beliefs and traditional practices.  His teaching is such that any one can practice it without having any religious brand.

To compile this book I have selected various statements made by eminent philosophers, scholars, historians, scientists, writers, religious dignitaries, social reformers and politicians who are well known to the modern world as most intellectual people.  Among them many are non-Buddhists and free thinkers.  According to them, Buddhism is the most practical and rational religion which will appeal to scientific knowledge and which really can do a better service to mankind if the followers practice this religion properly.

It therefore gives me great pleasure to present these valuable quotations extracted from various books and articles.  Whatever may be the opinion of those who have given Buddhism the topmost place in the religious field, the compiler by quoting them, does not mean to belittle other religious beliefs, for the idea of publishing this book is not to show the superiority of Buddhism over other religions but on the contrary to reflect the unbiased views expressed by various intellectuals.

All the captions to the statements in this book were given by the compiler.

K. Sri Dhammananda
25.11.1992 - B. E. 2536

