The Book of Protection

(Dasa sikkhapada) (1)

1. I undertake to abide by the precept to abstain from killing.

2. I undertake to abide by the precept to abstain from stealing.

3. I undertake to abide by the precept to abstain from sexual misconduct.

4. I undertake to abide by the precept to abstain from lying.

5. I undertake to abide by the precept to abstain from liquor that causes intoxication and heedlessness.

6. I undertake to abide by the precept to abstain from untimely eating.

7. I undertake to abide by the precept to abstain from dancing, singing, music and visiting unseemly shows.

8. I undertake to abide by the precept to abstain from the use of garlands, perfumes, cosmetics and embellishments.

9. I undertake to abide by the precept to abstain from the use of high and luxurious beds.

10. I undertake to abide by the precept to abstain from accepting gold and silver.

1. Khp. p. 1; cf. Vin. I, 83-84; Vbh. 285 ff.
